Sesame is a common ingredient in cuisines across the globe for its rich nutty flavor. Sesame can be seen on the top of burger buns, baked into crackers, sprinkled over sushi, salads or other Asian cuisines. Let us learn a few popular recipes using sesame seeds. Til Ki Chikki A Crunchy snack made with sesame […]
Derived from sesame seeds (Til), a yellowish-brown in color, sesame oil is one of the oldest oil used by humans. Recent statistics reveal that there are enormous health benefits of this oil. Great for hair and skin, sesame oil is proven to be one of the best cooking oil adding flavors to the dish. Mostly […]
Sesame oil is dubbed as the “Queen of Oilseeds” for a reason — in fact, for various reasons! Documented below are a few Science-backed benefits of sesame oil. Read on. If you’re yet to introduce it to your culinary or cosmetic or medical routine – make sure you’re doing that without delay! Trove of Antioxidants […]
Not many are aware, but sesame seeds are more than just a flavorful addition to your hamburger bun. They are backed by a series of nutrients including manganese, protein, vitamin E, fiber and unsaturated fat. The beneficial usage of sesame goes back to centuries. It has been used in China and India to treat several […]
Indian agriculture is substantially dominated by edible oils. In fact, edible oil seed production makes for the second most widely grown crop after cereals. Today, we will share with you a few glimpses of the edible oil industry in the country – its present production capacity, import, export, constraints etc. Exports Thanks to our “Yellow […]
The long-drawn association between “fitness” and vegetable oils is backed by a series of reasons. Monosaturated fat (vegetable oils) is particularly recommended for fighting free radicals, ageing process and also to lower risk of cancer. However, that’s not all. There are way too many ‘other” benefits that vegetable oils have to offer you. Read on […]
Sesame is one seed that is normally produced in the deserts. This is the reason why when we say that they can endure drought we actually mean it. Sesame can also be described as a tropical yearly herb, which grows to a maximum height of around 2 feet. Its leaves come out from a stem, […]
The use of sesame oil is quite popular worldwide. Presently, it is appreciated all over the world as an excellent carrier oil, and it is used in different cosmetic products for its natural lubricating nature and nutritious content. Sesame oil contains vital vitamins like E, B-complex, D, and essential minerals like calcium, phosphorus as well […]
Cold pressed oils are natural oils extracted via cold press process. Presses are used in different sizes and with different crushing capacities. The extraction process is crude and oils crushed out from the seeds are not treated by heat, therefore they retain their best possible natural texture, flavor, and offer plenty of medical profit due […]
The wide array of health benefits associated with sesame seeds has been acknowledged since time immemorial. Right from arthritis to cancer – there are several diseases, the risk of which can be minimized with sesame seeds. Here is a look at the top 10 health benefits of the same. The seeds are backed by anticancer […]